Launch of the EPALE-ePlatform for Adult Learning in Europe

EPALE-ePlatform for Adult Learning in Europe was founded by European Commission on April 15th, 2015 and it is available at the following link

EPALE is a new open multilingual community for adult learning professionals and it is the latest initiative in improving the quality of adult education in Europe. Funding for the EPALE ePlatform is provided under the EU Erasmus+ programme and its goal is to become the main point of reference for professionals in the field of adult learning in Europe. The platform is a point for meeting and discussion on important topics in the field of adult education, as well as exchange of ideas and supporting material. All interested parties may find a calendar of events and check the latest news in adult education via the platform. Furthermore, the platform will offer examples of best practice, changes in educational policies and funding opportunities for all professionals working in the adult education sector. The web page has especially been intended for teachers, trainers, researchers, academic staff, decision and policy makers and all others who are professionally engaged in adult education in Europe.