The representatives of the European Affairs Fund at a meeting with the representatives of the City of Novi Sad

Vidosava Enderić, Director of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina, with her colleagues Milan Čežek and Nemanja Davidović, has had a meeting with Milorad Radojević, member of the Novi Sad City Council for Economy, and Goran Sečujski, Head of Office for Local Economic Development.

The previous cooperation was assessed as successful, especially bearing in mind the partnership on projects and the participation of the representatives of the City of Novi Sad in the training courses and the use of other Fund’s programmes. It was proposed to improve the project proposals that had not received funding under previous calls and resubmit them as applications under the upcoming ones. The Office for Local Economic Development of the City of Novi Sad was successful in the realization of EU funded projects. Emphasis was put on the fact that their employees were attending the Specialized Programme “Management of Regional Development through EU Funds”, which was organized by the Fund, and they were pleased about that. Interest was expressed for other colleagues to attend the following generation of the specialization programme in 2018, as well as for the employees of the City Council to attend the courses on project development organised by the Fund.

As indicated, the biggest challenge was partner search within the cross-border cooperation programmes, and the representatives of the European Affairs Fund of the AP of Vojvodina offered their assistance to the City of Novi Sad in that aspect as well.