Civil society members at the training course on EU project development

The European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina held another successful training course for the representatives of the organisation “Kreativni pogon“ from Petrovaradin in the period from 28th May to 30th Ma

The European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina held another successful training course for the representatives of the organisation “Kreativni pogon“ from Petrovaradin in the period from 28th May to 30th May 2014.

The attendees were informed about the prospects for financing under CBC programmes and Community programmes in the new 2014-2020 budget period. In addition to the information on ongoing programmes and calls available to them, the participants gained knowledge on project development, within which the logic of setting goals, activities, results and other components of the project, as well as its budgeting were presented in theory and practice. Moreover, an application form under the CBC programme was presented, which served as an example to explain how to fill it in. The main goal was to equip the participants with skills, so that they could develop successful project proposals that could obtain EU financing.