Presentation of greenhouses and a workshop within the Agrinno project

Within the framework of the implementation of the Agrinno project, which is co-financed under the Interreg IPA CBC Hungary-Serbia, a workshop “Growing of vegetables in an innovative greenhouse” has been held and a modern greenhouse has been presented in the experimental field of the Scientific Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in the Rimski Šančevi,.

Vidosava Enderić, Director of the European Affairs Fund of the AP Vojvodina, indicated that the Common Agricultural Policy was one of the key principles of the European Union and that the task of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina was to support institutions in Vojvodina in the European integration process and preparation for full membership. The “Agriculture innovation towards growth and employment in cross-border region – Agrinno” project proved that. “The European Union is today a global leader in the trade of food products. On the other hand, Vojvodina has exceptional potential for the production of agricultural food products. The procurement and installation of greenhouse is by no means the only goal of this project. On the contrary, it is a means of achieving a much larger goal, which is the acquisition of know-how because in addition to all its natural resources, people are the biggest potential and the most important resource of Vojvodina”, said Enderić.

Vuk Radojević, Provincial Secretary for Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry, emphasized that it was the first project of the Secretariat, co-financed by the European Union, in which it was the lead beneficiary. The project aimed at improving the innovative approach and entrepreneurial spirit among young people in the field of agribusiness. In cooperation with the Scientific Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, the Secretariat was to will begin a series of educational seminars on the production in greenhouses, so that such a type of modern production could be readily applied by manufacturers.

The project partners are the Provincial Secretariat for Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, European Affairs Fund of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina and Csongrád Megye Fejlesztéséért Nonprofit Kft, Hungary.