Projects on social protection and connecting young people

Novi Sad, 20 February – Upon the invitation of the Government of Italian Regions of Marche and Umbria, Predrag Novikov, Director of the Office for European Affairs, and Milan Ćeran, Assistant to the Secretary of Economy, were in working visit to Italy at the weekend.

The representatives of Marche Region, which capital is Ancona, offered to sign an agreement on cooperation between the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina and this Italian region. During the discussions, attention was mostly paid to the realization of joint projects on social protection, connecting young people, investment stimulation, development of the Danube tourism capacity, including the Fruška Gora National Park.

“It is my great pleasure to say that Italian partners are interested in participating in the Novi Sad Agricultural Fair, which will be held 10-17 May this year, so that we expect the arrival of companies from the regions of Marche, Umbria, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Emilia Romagna and Tuscany. It is in our country’s interest to give support to persons with disabilities and vulnerable persons, who became redundant due to tradition, in the creation of joint projects”, said Predrag Novikov.