Workshop in Mórahalom

In the framework of the project “Agriculture innovation towards growth and employment in cross-border region – AGRINNO” project, workshops “Food Processing and Marketing” are being held in Mórahalom. The workshops are aimed at representatives of incubators of secondary agricultural schools in Futog, Ruma and Vršac. The lectures are interactive and the representatives have the opportunity to apply their knowledge acquired at the workshops while doing exercises, as well as to visit agricultural holdings. The themes covered by the workshops were “Presentation of producers of Mórahalom” and “Legal instruments of support and protection of the brand”, “Brand creation”, “Personalized SWOT analysis with a focus on logistics and the market”. The fifth workshop was held in 8-10 July 2019. The topic of the workshop was “Agricultural as a means for life”. The Fund’s representatives attended the workshop to provide promotional material for the project and its website.
There are 5 workshops left to be held, since according to the project activity plan, 10 workshops are to be implemented at the Hungarian partners.