Working Conference “Prospects for Cooperation between Baden-Württemberg and AP Vojvodina in Economy and Agriculture”

The working conference “Prospects for Cooperation between Baden-Württemberg and AP Vojvodina in Economy and Agriculture”, which was organized by the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina, with the support of the Assembly of AP Vojvodina and Vojvodina Chamber of Commerce, was held at the Vojvodina Chamber of Commerce in Novi Sad on 6th November 2015.

The aim of the conference was to exchange experiences and enhance the cooperation between the two regions, with particular emphasis on regional development, in terms of EU funds and the EU Strategy for the Danube Region, and on the basis of the agreements signed between AP Vojvodina and the German state of Baden- Württemberg.

The conference was opened by the Provincial Secretary for Interregional Cooperation and Local Self-Government, Branislav Bugarski, whereas on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce, the participants were addressed by the Secretary of the Trade Association, Dragomir Đurić.

The Provincial Secretary for Interregional Cooperation and Local Self-Government, Branislav Bugarski said that the cooperation with Baden-Württemberg was based on the exchange of experiences and building of trust. In his opinion, the improvement of relations between the two administrative levels contributed to creating preconditions for the cooperation between economists, which would result in a much greater economic impact. In his estimate, every type of cooperation and exchange of knowledge and methods was an investment, and for a start, the cooperation with Stuttgart District would be based on agriculture, education, administration. In his view, our biggest chance was to produce, together with Baden-Württemberg, healthy food for the future, for Europe, which would be competitive in the market. Bugarski emphasised that there was already an example of such cooperation, because organic ground spice paprika was produced in Vojvodina and exported to the European market, and thus our farmers got a secure placement on the market. According to his words, Vojvodina made its Development Programme for 2014-2020, which was also a framework for the improvement of agriculture.

The Head of the Unit “Agriculture, Rural Area, Veterinary and Food Administration” of the Governing Council Stuttgart, Kurt Mezger PhD presented the parameters in agricultural production in that region. He said that small and medium-sized farms prevailed in the agricultural policy and that they had developed rural areas and awareness of association, of the existence of cooperatives and of the importance of cooperation between agricultural producers. Metzger also mentioned the Measures and Development Plan for Rural Areas in Baden- Württemberg 2014-2020 (MEPL III), which was approved by the European Commission on 26th May 2015 and which involved 16 development programmes for agriculture, conservation of nature, protection of resources and climate, as well as regional development in rural areas.

The Vice-President of the Provincial Government and Provincial Secretary for Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry, Branislav Bogaroški said that the cooperation with Baden-Württemberg had improved since the Joint Statement on Cooperation was formally established in 2014 and that the first practical steps in agriculture were made in 2015. Moreover, the following steps in the cooperation had been arranged, such as linking of advisory services in agriculture, exchange of experts in forecasting, reporting and consulting services, which were administrative preconditions that should lift trade and economic relations to a higher level. According to his words, a team at the level of AP Vojvodina was formed, which was to cooperate with the District of Stuttgart, and efforts were put into intensifying the study visit that was to become a standard activity in the relevant secretariat because if an institutional framework for cooperation was not established, results could not be expected. According to the estimate of the Vice-President Bogaroški, after that there would be a lot of room for cooperation, including the opportunity for exporting cabbage from Futog to the German market. “What Vojvodina is interested in is agriculture and it is necessary to establish communication and apply best practice. We have started in the right direction and with specific activities. The cooperation with Baden-Württemberg is important because of the way they organise their agriculture and the philosophy they apply, not only because of the technology. That is why the first step in our cooperation was the study visit for the best pupils of agricultural schools in Vojvodina. In this way, young people, who will be engaged in farming and who are likely be the ones to make decisions and create the agricultural politicy in Vojvodina in the coming years, had the opportunity to see examples of best practice in Germany“, said Secretary Branislav Bogaroški. He emphasised that discussions about the introduction of quality standards in organic farming and promotion of cooperation in the field of secondary and higher education had begun.

The Director of the Danube Office Ulm / Neu Ulm, Sebastian Rihm spoke about the EU Strategy for the Danube Region and its implementation and impact on the development of markets by connecting regions along the Danube. In addition, he presented the work of the Danube Office in Ulm, whose aim was to promote international understanding among neighbouring countries in the Danube Basin. He also announced the 10th International Danube Festival, which was to take place from 1st to 10th July 2016, and which was held biennially to connect cities and people in the Danube Region.

The Director of the Guarantee Fund of AP Vojvodina, Goran Vasić MSc presented the activities of the Fund, as well as the cooperation between the Republic of Serbia and Baden-Württemberg in the field of renewable energy sources, with special emphasis on biomass.

On behalf of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina, the participants were addressed by Dražen Lovrić, who spoke about the bio-based economies in the Danube Region. He also presented the work of the Fund and the EU funds available to Serbia, with special emphasis on the Danube Transnational Programme and Horizon 2020, as well as the opportunities for establishing partnerships in order to develop high quality project proposals and apply for EU funds with the aim of improving and developing the environment.

The presentations from the conference may be downloaded here:

Kurt Mecger PhD, Head of the Unit “Agriculture, Rural Area, Veterinary and Food Administration” of the Governing Council Stuttgart

Branislav Bogaroški, Vice-President of the Provincial Government and Provincial Secretary for Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry

Sebastian Rihm, Danube Office Ulm / Neu Ulm

Goran Vasić MSc, Guarantee Fund of AP Vojvodina

Dražen Lovrić, European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina