A working visit to the municipality of Inđija

The representatives of the European Affairs Fund of the AP Vojvodina, Milan Čežek, Nemanja Davidović, Jelena Radosavljević Rovčanin and Zoran Pavić have held a meeting with the representatives of the municipality of Inđija, Marko Gašić, assistant president of the municipality of Inđija, Dragan Janković, director of the Agency for Economic Development of the municipality of Inđija and their associates.

The Municipality of Inđija presented its plans, especially those that could be implemented in the future period by submitting applications for some of the available EU funds, such as certain communal issues (landfill and water purifier) and tourist offer (marina and bicycle route).

In order to be as efficient as possible in withdrawing the available EU funds, it was assessed that the cooperation with the European Affairs Fund of the AP Vojvodina needed to be intensified. Thus, another meeting was arranged, so that the representatives of the municipality of Indjija could be informed about the EU programmes. It was also agreed that the representatives of the Fund would hold a three-day training course on project development “EU Funding Opportunities“ in the municipality in the following period when they would gain practical knowledge about how to develop their project ideas.