A working visit to the municipality of Šid

Šid is one of the municipalities which the representatives of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina, Milan Čežek, Zoran Pavić, Nemanja Davidović and Jelena Radosavljević Rovčanin have visited in order to find with joint forces an answer how to access a financial and operational solution for the realization of planned activities in the following period.

As key challenges, Dejan Kojić, assistant president, and his associates indicated the problems of wastewater purification and lack of sanitary landfills. Moreover, the discussion touched upon the need for infrastructural work on the Erdevik-Vizić road, reconstruction of the Gallery of “Sava Šumanović“, sanitation of the sports hall, as well as the need for the renovation of almost all schools and dormitories in the territory of the municipality. The hosts were also informed about the possibility of holding a training course for the municipal employees on project proposal development by the Fund’s professional staff with the aim of applying for available EU funds, which would build their operational capacities for attracting the EU grants.