Results of the public call for the training course “Preparation of projects within the Creative Europe”

Regarding the organisation of a two-day seminar on project proposal development for the Creative Europe programme, to be held at the Centre for Economic and Technological Development of AP Vojvodina in Andrevlje from 31st October to 1st November 2017, a public call was announced. Based on the call, representatives of twenty-five institutions and organizations from Serbia will have the opportunity to participate in the seminar.

Each year, the Antenna of Creative Europe Culture Desk Serbia organizes a seminar on project development, in order for institutions and organizations to be able to develop best possible project proposals to be submitted under the Creative Europe. It has been the case this year and it will be in the future as well.

Excellent lecturers and an adequate programme are also expected in this year’s seminar.

The response was more than expected, almost 100 institutions applied, but because of the limited number of seats it was not possible to accept them all.

You can download the seminar program and the list of participants here.