“Rhythm of Europe!” in Novi Sad

Based on the partnership between the Novi Sad Student Cultural Centre and the Office for European Affairs, Europe Day will be celebrated in Novi Sad this year too, just as last year and two years ago. It is of particular importance that the programme of events to mark the date will start in mid-March in the form of lectures and meetings, at which the Council of Europe, the Delegation of the European Commission, the European Integration Office of the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Office for European Affairs will present EU institutions, different programmes, pre-accession funds, paying special attention to the challenges for the Republic of Serbia to speed up the European pace.

“Contrary to last year, when it was not possible to celebrate Europe Day on the central town square, Trg Slobode (Freedom Square), in my view due to technical reasons, the good news is that the City of Novi Sad will once again show its priority and leader position in the country regarding the European way. It is very important that this event, this celebration of the youth and future receives the joint support of local self-government, province and republic. It would be a clear message saying that the public administration at all levels in the country speaks the same language with reference to issues of strategic importance to the country. Safety and security at the event are top priority, and I would like to thank the Ministry of Interior in advance on their engagement in these issues”, said Predrag Novikov, Director of the Office for European Affairs.

“This year’s ‘Rhythm of Europe!’ will be a whole-day event including a topical open-air exhibition, an open-air theatrical performance by the Italian troupe Pleura, a classical music concert by Vladimir Stanković quintet at Katolička porta (the yard of the Catholic Church) and a concert on Trg Slobode, in which the following groups will perform: Ringišpil (Serbia), The Beat Fleat (Croatia) and Adicts (Great Britain)“, announced Zdravko Vulin, Acting Director of the Novi Sad Student Cultural Centre.