Mastering of computer skills as support to parenting skills

Novi Sad, 9 July – Organized by the Office for European Affairs, training for children of the Association “Parent” has started todayat the Educational Centre of the Office for European Affairs. Thus, cooperation between the Office and the Association was institutionalized. The Association works as a network of associations in Novi Sad, Belgrade, Kragujevac and Niš, which operate as regional centers covering the whole country. The Association was founded by the parents “who from their personal experience recognized the need for systematic and effective support to parenthood in our country”, said Dragana Ćorić, from the Association “Parent” in Novi Sad. Jovana Pereula, IT Officer at the Office for European Affairs, started with the children’s training by introducing computer games, to be followed by more serious topics, which were left for the next lessons. It has been agreed that the training will be held twice a week, separately for children and parents, who wish to increase their knowledge on computers.