Statement by the Office for European Affairs, Autonomous Province of Vojvodina

Novi Sad, 24 April – Upon the invitation of the Austrian Ministry of Agriculture, the representatives of Serbia and Autonomous Province of Vojvodina are paying a visit to Lower Austria. The delegation is going to have meetings with the representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Education, Department of European Projects at the ministries, Directorate of Education of Lower Austria, Vienna National Park, and visit a few nature reserves, companies working on environmental protection, biofarms. The delegation is comprised of the representatives of Agriculture High School, Futog; Faculty of Agriculture, Novi Sad; Institute for Low-land Forestry, Novi Sad; Institute for Food Technology, Novi Sad; Ministry of Agriculture of Republic of Serbia, Ministry of Education of Republic of Serbia, Directorate for Education of City of Novi Sad and Office for European Affairs. “During the meetings, our hosts, especially the Department for EU Education Projects of the Austrian Ministry of Education, suggested working on joint projects in this area. On the basis of this cooperation, our students and teachers will be able to receive practical training at Austrian schools. Moreover, closer cooperation between the institutions of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina and Lower Austria has been announced”, said Jovana Pereula, Office for European Affairs.