Seminars on the environment and care for the elderly and weaker groups at the Office for European Affairs

Novi Sad, 8 November – The Italian projects on environmental protection and care for the elderly and weaker groups have been presented at of the Office for European Affairs, within the Fair of Investments INVESTEXPO.

Tommaso Pagliani of the Mario Negri Sud Consorzio presented the project initiative of Sangro Aventino Territorial Pact, within the InePS cooperation programme, named “Territorial Environmental Balance (TEB): Innovative Planning Instrument for Environmental Sustainability”. The project result would be software with data on environmental indicators and digital cartographic maps. According to the Italians, the project implemented in Italy could also be used on our territory. Mr. Murat Bjelić, representative of the Provincial Secretariat for Environmental Protection, said that the project had great potential, however, first it would be necessary to make a database of essential information, which was a precondition for software development. Maria Luigia Di Blasio presented the project named “Domicile Social Services for Sanitary Integration (domicile integrated assistance model): innovative intervention model”, dedicated to the elderly and weaker groups in the first place, however, it could be extended to encompass the minors and persons with disabilities as well.