Seminar on call for proposals under the Hungary-Serbia Neighborhood Program

Novi Sad, 13 June – In partnership with the European Agency for Reconstruction and the Ministry of Finance of Republic Serbia, the Office for European Affairs organized an informative seminar on the third call for proposals under the Hungary-Serbia Neighborhood Program for the representatives of Vojvodina districts. The call for proposals was announced for projects in the following areas: improvement of cross-border infrastructure, protection of the environment, prevention of flood, development of business infrastructure and common business services and support for cooperation between institutions and communities. The following municipalities are entitled to submit projects: from the districts of West Backa, North Backa, North Banat, South Backa, Middle Banat, Srem and South Banat, and the city of Belgrade. Hungarian partner organizations can be from the districts of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Hajdú-Bihar, Békés, Csongrád and Bács-Kiskun.

According to Zoran Krtinić, local Office of Hungary-Serbia Neighborhood Program, the planned project budget is €440,000, which has remained from the last two public invitations. The invitation was announced on 26 May and will be open until 25 July, whereas the duration of the project is 6 to 12 months.