Agreement between the European Affairs Fund and the Matica Srpska Gallery

In order to present the national cultural heritage abroad and the European heritage in Serbia, an agreement was signed on cooperation between the Matica Srpska Gallery and the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina, which provides the necessary framework for joint development and encouragement of relations with European partners.

The agreement was signed by Dr. Tijana Palkovljević Bugarski, manager of the Matica Srpska Gallery, and Aleksandar Simurdić, director of the “European Affairs” Fund of AP Vojvodina.

The cooperation will be focused on more successful applications for funds from European funds and European competitions in order to improve the activities of cultural institutions.

“The goal of the common policy in the field of culture is not to harmonize cultural identities, but to protect and promote the richness of European culture. Recalling that the Antenna Culture Desk Creative Europe Serbia was formed within the European Affairs Fund in November 2014, it is important to emphasize that the main elements of the program are aimed at strengthening capacity, mobility, partnerships and cooperation, co-productions Creative Europe offers a constructive framework for tackling common themes of territories, regions and Europe. through dialogue and mutual understanding, and what ot cheats opportunities for new partnerships of our cultural institutions in the new seven-year budget framework of the European Union, as well as a new program cycle, “said Simurdić during the signing of the agreement.

The cooperation will be focused on more successful applications for funds from European funds and European competitions, in order to improve the activities of cultural institutions.