A training course in EU project development for fruit growers of Srem

At the invitation of the Association of Fruit Growers “Fruškogorci” from Sremska Mitrovica, a three-day seminar for the representatives of institutions dealing with agricultural issues has been held

At the invitation of the Association of Fruit Growers “Fruškogorci” from Sremska Mitrovica, a three-day seminar for the representatives of institutions dealing with agricultural issues has been held at the Agricultural Institute of Sremska Mitrovica. In addition to the members of the Association of Fruit Growers, the employees of the special agricultural department of “Sremska Mitrovica doo”, Agency for Rural Development of Sremska Mitrovica received training in successful development of projects in compliance with EU regulations. After the training, the successful participants were awarded certificates.

During the three-day training, the participants had the opportunity to obtain detailed information about the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA), cross-border cooperation programs available to beneficiaries in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, as well as IPA component IPARD programme aimed at rural development that would be available to our farmers in the future. In order to better prepare for the upcoming seven-year budget period and new EU programs, the participants were able to develop their project ideas using the tools of the logical framework approach by receiving a theoretical overview and doing practical tasks. The basic principles of budgeting EU projects and the selection of successful proposals were also presented.

The goal of the training was to equip participants with knowledge and skills necessary for project development on their own, so that they could take an active role in the development of their communities through the funding opportunities offered by EU programs.