Study tour within the Virtual and Cultural Tourism ViCTour project

Within the implementation of the project “Virtual and Cultural Tourism – ViCTour”, which aims at improving the tourist identity and offer of the region, tourism promotion, as well as the capacities of tourism providers, and which is co-financed under the Intereg IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Croatia-Serbia 2014 Program -2020, in the period from 23rd to 26th September 2019, there was a study visit to the locations where new technologies had been installed in the Srijem/Srem area. The participants were representatives of local municipal tourism organizations, media and partner institutions.

The study tour included visits to the locations where new ICT technologies had been installed within the framework of the project: holograms at the Museum of the City of Vinkovci,  Birthplace of Lavoslav Ruzička in Vukovar, Kurija Brnjaković in Ilok, Kasina Palace in Vrdnik, Imperial Palace in Sremska Mitrovica and at the Memorial Complex “Sremski front“ in Adaševci, moreover AR applications in Vinkovci, Vukovar, Novi Sad, Sremski Karlovci, Vrdnik and at the Memorial Complex “Sremski front“ and VR application at the Imperial Palace in Sremska Mitrovica, as well as interactive totems in Vukovar.

The project “Virtual and Cultural Tourism – ViCTour” is aimed at developing a recognizable visual identity, enhancing the tourist promotion and offer and increasing the visibility of tourist offer in the cross-border area. The partnership in the project is comprised of the Vukovar-Srijem County, Tourist Board of Vukovar-Srijem County, Tourist Organization of Vojvodina, University of Novi Sad – Faculty of Economics in Subotica and European Affairs Fund of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina.