Third Call for Proposals (open)


Interreg-IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Hungary-Serbia (Interreg-IPA CBC Hungary-Serbia) launched the Third Call for Proposals on 1 June 2019.

The Third Call for Proposals, under the reference number HUSRB/1903, and the amount of IPA fund of 10.38 million EUR, is intended for a broad range of Applicants and actions within the Programme area.


Duration of the Call

1 June 2019 – 30 September 2019, 15:00 CET

During this period, the Programme will provide the Applicants with assistance through its Joint Secretariat (JS) and the JS Antenna, as described in Chapter 8.2 of the Guidelines for Applicants.


Application package

Download the Application Package


Submission of Applications

Applications are required to be submitted online via IMIS 2014-2020 Application Module according to the rules set in Chapter 8.5 of the Guidelines for Applicants.

IMIS 2014-2020 Application Module could be accessed via following link:!foAppSrbLogin

Submission deadline is 30 September 2019 at 15:00 CET

NOTE: Applications submitted after the deadline will be considered formally non-compliant and will not be considered further.

At the time of the electronic submission of the Application, IMIS 2014-2020 generates a Certification, which must be stamped and signed by the legal representative(s) of all Beneficiaries within a project.

The original Certification must be submitted by postal service to the following address:


Joint Secretariat

of the Interreg-IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Hungary-Serbia

Széchenyi Program Office Nonprofit LLC.

Szép utca 2, 4.em

H-1053 Budapest, Hungary


by 8 October 2019, 24:00 (midnight) local time (Central European Time) as evidenced by the date on the postal stamp.


Eligible area

Supported projects are required to be implemented within the eligible area of the Programme, defined in the document Cooperation Programme, in the area of NUTS III level (or NUTS III equivalent) region, as follows:

  • In Hungary: Csongrád, and Bács-Kiskun counties;
  • In Serbia: West Bačka, North Bačka, North Banat, South Bačka, Middle Banat, South Banat, and Srem.


Eligible Applicants

The following organisations are eligible to apply for the funding allocated to the Programme:

  • public authorities
  • bodies governed by public law
  • as a general rule non-profit organisations governed by private law

For a detailed description of Eligibility of Applicants please consult Chapter 2 of the Guidelines for Applicants.

The partnerships must have eligible partners from both sides of the border, each satisfying the eligibility criteria for Applicants. The minimum setup is that the Lead Beneficiary has at least one partner organization from the other side of the border, i.e. one cross-border Beneficiary.

The maximum number of Beneficiaries is six, including the Lead Beneficiary.


Priorities and Actions of the Programme

PA 1: Improving the cross-border water management and risk prevention systems

Action 1.1: Water management and protection against extreme weather conditions

Action 1.2: Nature protection and conservation of water based habitats


PA 2: Decreasing the bottlenecks of cross-border traffic

Action 2.1: Border crossing points, roads and bicycle roads

Action 2.2: Improving public transport services and railway lines


PA 3: Encouraging tourism and cultural heritage cooperation

Action 3.1: Tourist products, services and attractions based on cultural and natural heritage

Action 3.3: Cooperation in the fields of cultural and community events

Action 3.4: Cooperation in the fields of sport, leisure and minor actions related to nature protection


PA 4: Enhancing SMEs’ economic competitiveness through innovation-driven development

Action 4.2: Encouraging and development of social entrepreneurship

Action 4.3: Enhancing entrepreneurial innovation involving research institutions through scholarships for young people


For the indicative list of activities and their detailed description please consult Chapter 1.3 of the Guidelines for Applicants.



The indicative amount of 10.38 million EUR is available within the Third Call for Proposals.

For the indicative financial allocations for respective Priority axes and Actions please consult Chapters 1.3 and 1.5 of the Guidelines for Applicants.

Please note that the final allocations awarded to projects under this could vary, following the assessment and selection of the Applications.


Co-financing rate

On project level, the EU contribution is up to 85% of the total eligible expenditure. The remaining 15% will be financed from national sources.

Please note that the sources of funding differ in case of Beneficiaries from Hungary and from Serbia as described in Chapter 6 of the Guidelines for Applicants.

Once the Lead Beneficiary concludes the Subsidy Contract with the Managing Authority, an advance in the amount of maximum 15% of the total IPA allocation of a project will automatically be granted from the EU contribution.


Project duration

The planned implementation period of a project must not to be less than six months and must not exceed 18 months.


Selection process

The description of the assessment process can be found in Chapter 9 of the Guidelines for Applicants.


Provisional results of the Call

Provisional time of the notification about the results of the Third Call for Proposals is the second quarter of 2020.


 Info Days

During the application period, the Joint Secretariat will organize Information Days. For further details, please check regularly the Programme’s website.


Further information

For further information visit the Interreg IPA CBC Hungary-Serbia website: