Improving the business environment between Flanders and Vojvodina

The representatives of the Vojvodina European Office in Brussels, Srđan Mačkić and Đorđe Cicović had a meeting yesterday with the representatives of the Flemish Investment and Trade Agency (FIT), following a number of meetings with representatives of different regions in Brussels. In the upcoming period, joint efforts will be made to create a more favourable economic environment in the Benelux countries for our companies and to continue promoting Vojvodina as an investment destination, so as to further encourage foreign investments from this part of Europe. FIT is recognized, not only in Brussels, as one of the most important organizations in this respect.

In principle, an agreement was made to link the stakeholders and to cooperate closer with the Vojvodina Development Agency and Chamber of Commerce of Vojvodina. In addition, in accordance with the plans of the Vojvodina European Office in Brussels for 2018, regarding the economic promotional activities, an agreement was made to promote different clusters from our province in this Flemish agency in 2018, and in that way, to seek directly potential business partners from both sides. Moreover, FIT is very interested in participating in significant events and fairs in AP Vojvodina in the following period, especially in the ICT sector and agriculture. The greatest coherence in the economies of the two regions is the aforementioned sectors, which creates a significant room for future cooperation.

Furthermore, there is a possibility for signing a bilateral agreement between FIT and some of the provincial institutions in the field of investment and trade, should the future activities result in the need for institutionalizing the envisaged cooperation.