Matching the technological supply and demand sides of bioeconomy

An expert workshop, aimed at defining proposals for harmonising regulations on bio-economy, funding sources and introduction of technologies necessary for the transfer from the fossil-based industry to the bio-based one, has been held at the European Commission, DG Research and Innovation.

The attendees were addressed by John Bell, Director F – Bioeconomy at DG Research and Innovation, Barend Verachtert, Interim Executive Director Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU), Lambert van Nistelrooij, MEP, and Julia Taddei, European Commission, EIB/EC Innovfin Programme Manager.

The potentials of Vojvodina in terms of bio-economy, especially exploitation of options offered by agro-biomass, animal waste and wood bio-mass, were presented by Dražen Lovrić of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina. The comparative analyses of representatives of regions at countries present at the event indicated that AP Vojvodina was leading compared to other regions of similar size, where agriculture was the main industrial branch, and as such could be interesting for those investing in new technologies and having a modern approach to production, distributions channels, markets and customers’ demands. In the following period, it was necessary for the European Union and regions to define and adopt guidelines, establishing more clearly the pillars on which successful bio-economy was based, and initiate their implementation.