The closing conference of the AGRINNO project held in Szeged

The closing conference of the “Agriculture innovation towards growth and employment in cross-border region – AGRINNO” project was held in Szeged on Thursday, 31 October.

In addition to the a lot of guests, the closing conference was attended by project partners: Csongrád Megye Fejlesztéséért Nonprofit Kft, Vidosava Enderić, Director of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina, Predrag Rajić project manager of the AGRINNO project, Provincial Secretariat for Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry, and Janko Červenski  PhD, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops.

The results of the project were presented at the conference. Among the results are the state-of-the-art greenhouses in the experimental field of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops and in the secondary agricultural schools in Futog, Ruma and Vršac. In addition to the greenhouses, incubators have been established and a number of workshops have been held on the topic “Growing plants in gardens”.

The Hungarian partners successfully organized the workshops “Food production and marketing”.

The AGRINNO project was presented at the 86th International Agricultural Fair in Novi Sad, where visitors had the opportunity to get acquainted not only with the project, but also with  the EU programmes available to the Republic of Serbia, and therefore to Vojvodina.

At the end of September, the conference “Innovative approach in agriculture” was held within the framework of the project.

The overall objective of the AGRINNO project, which started on 1 April 2018, was to enhance an innovative approach to agro-business and educate the population in rural settlements in order to exploit the arable land in their backyards. The target groups were unemployed people, especially young people, in rural areas, farmers, employees of agricultural schools, organizations in agriculture and food processing, families.

At the closing conference, Vidosava Enderić expressed her satisfaction with the cooperation with all project partners. “Thanks to good cooperation, a new project proposal for AGRINNO 2 was developed and submitted under the third call of the INTERREG IPA CBC Hungary-Serbia. Given that we are facing a new EU budgetary perspective 2021-2027, we should be ready with new project idea proposals in order to contribute to the development of agriculture, as the most developed branch of industry in Vojvodina, as well as of other industries”, said the director and underlined the importance of using EU grants.