FEP tour in Pećinci and Ruma

The representatives of the European Affairs Fund of the AP Vojvodina, Milan Čežek and Zoran Pavić, and Živko Planić, Vojvodina Development Agency, visited the municipality of Pećinci on 14 June 2018, where they were welcomed by Zoran Vojkić, Deputy President of the Municipality, and his associates, whereas in the municipality of Ruma, the hosts of the meeting were Dušan Ljubišić, Head of the Municipal Administration, and Dragan Kosanović, Head of the Office for Local Economic Development.
An agreement was made to enhance direct cooperation among the representatives of the local self-governments, the Fund and the Development Agency of Vojvodina in order to increase the use of EU funds and attract foreign investors.
In the previous period, both municipalities submitted applications for EU funds, however, their implementation was rather weak, so the Fund’s assistance was requested concerning the implementation of EU projects and the repetition of training courses. Moreover, the municipality of Ruma expressed their interest in the Fund’s visits to elementary schools to teach pupils about the origin and importance of the EU.