European Affairs Fund of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina and Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia- strengthening the capacity of institutions in the field of culture at the local level

Representatives of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina held a meeting with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Culture and Information Maja Gojković in order to develop and provide support measures to institutions in the field of culture at the local level, to which the Fund’s activities greatly contribute.
Within the work of the Fund, the Antenna Kultura Deska of the Creative Europe Program was formed in 2014, which made the office of a European program part of the provincial institution for the first time.
During the meeting, the importance of joint support to cultural institutions on the path of implementation of international projects financed through external sources of financing and strengthening of their institutional capacities in order to more successfully manage project cycles was emphasized. It is important to improve the capacities of local self-governments for withdrawing European Union funds available to Serbia, ie AP Vojvodina, which is a significant opportunity for revitalization of cultural heritage, as a key resource for self-sustainable, economic and tourist development.
To that end, the Fund has started the process of mapping the situation and potential in 45 cities and municipalities in Vojvodina, which it is implementing for the needs of the Provincial Government, whose results it will try to link with the program activities of the Ministry in the field of culture and revitalization of cultural heritage.