Swedes at the Office for European Affairs

On the basis of cooperation between the Office for European Affairs and Swedish partners, the representatives of the city of Gothenburg, their trade unions and ombudsman are in visit to Vojvodina. “Taking into consideration the current economic crisis and challenges, especially with regard to maintaining the employment level, I believe that it is important that trade unions participate actively in the protection of rights of all employees. Therefore, we are continuing with the programme of support and training for trade union organisations in our country, with the support of our Swedish partners, this year as well. We have talked to the guests from Gothenburg about future activities with reference to our cooperation and possibilities for realising the programme of support not only for the employed, but also the currently unemployed, and especially persons with disabilities. We have already provided a generous donation for persons with disabilities, and I hope that we are going to do the same this year too”, said Predrag Novikov, Director of Office for European Affairs.

The participant in the meeting, held at the Office for European Affairs, were Krister Anderson, West Sweden Ombudsman, Mikael Johanson, in charge of the cooperation project of the trade union organisations of the region of Halland and the trade unions of Vojvodina, Braco Kalajdžić, Project Coordinator, Milorad Mijatović, President of the Association of Independent Trade Unions of Vojvodina, Miodrag Bradonjić, Secretary of the Association of Independent Trade Unions of Vojvodina, and Jelena Češljević, President of the Agricultural Trade Union of Vojvodina.