Kick-off conference of “EXploitation of Different Energy sources for GREen Energy production- X DEGREE“

The “EXploitation of Different Energy sources for GREen Energy production – X DEGREE“ project, co-financed by the European Union within the Interreg IPA CBC Programme Croatia-Serbia, was presented on 12th October at the Assembly Hall in Sombor.  The project is aimed at the promotion and improvement of the use of various forms of renewable energy sources in the cross-border area, raising the energy independence of public utility companies, improvement of the use of biomass in the biogas production plants and raising public awareness about the energy potential in renewable energy sources.

The project partners are the University of Novi Sad, Public Utility Company ”Vodokanal“ Sombor, European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina, Vinkovci Water Supply and Sewerage Ltd. and Agricultural Institute Osijek. The value of the project is EUR 1.696.336, of which the activities of Serbian partners involve two-thirds of the budget. The EU is co-financing 85% of the total value of the project, i.e. EUR 1.441.885. The implementation has started in July 2017 and it will last for 30 months, i.e. until 14th January 2010.


“During the project implementation, a biogas power plant will be built in Sombor, a solar power plant will be built in Vinkovci, whilst the labaratory for biomass testing will be expanded at the Agricultural Institute in Osijek and a laboratory for testing quality and making recipes for the production of biogas will be established at the University of Novi Sad. At the same time, these are also the expected results of the project“, said Prof Filip Kulić PhD.

The next step in the project implementation will be the procurement of the equipment and beginning of the works. Within the next six to eight months, the solar power plant in Vinkovci and the first phase of gas power plant in Sombor are expected to be constructed, whereas the laboratories at the University of Novi Sad and Agricultural Institute in Osijek will be equipped. The role of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vovodina is to contribute to project visibility by organizing different scientific meetings, round tables, presentations at the Agricultural Fair and other relevant events. As a result of the project, a study will be prepared that will include an analysis of the potential of renewable energy sources in the region.