A three day training course on European projects in Bački Petrovac

At the invitation of the representatives of the municipality of Bački Petrovac, Jovana Kontić and Jovana Rapajić of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina have held a three-day training course “EU Funding Opportunities” at the Municipal Assembly. This time, the training was attended by the employees of the municipal tourist organization, centre for social work, elementary schools, grammar school, health centre, local administration, preschool institution, the Slovak Vojvodina Theatre, public and utility companies, as well as representatives of civil society organisations.

The attendees, whose number exceeded twenty and who received certificates at the end of the training course, were most interested in the following topics: theatre camps (the project would be “Welcome to Theatre”, international tourism (the project on the construction of bicycle routes would be titled “EuroVelo Routes”) as well as the two topics in the field of social protection (project titled “Improvement of Facilities, Services and Skills in the Field of Public Health and Social Protection” and “Day Care Improvement”).