Meeting with the representatives of Italian Region of Umbria

On 11th May 2017, a meeting was held with the representatives of the Italian Region of Umbria at the Vojvodina European Office in Brussels. The cooperation between the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina and Umbria has lasted for 10 years and the main topic of discussion was the enhancement of cooperation. The special focus was placed on the cooperation between SMEs under the EU Programmes – COSME and Adrion.

Anna Ascani, Head of European Affairs Department of the Umbria Region expressed her interest in a greater cooperation in the field of culture, especially given the fact that in 2021 Novi Sad will take over the title of European Capital of Culture. Ms. Ascani invited the representatives from AP Vojvodina and the City of Novi Sad to visit a number of festivals taking place in Umbria during the summer, and underlined that it would be particularly interesting to see once again performers from Vojvodina at one of the events.

H.E. Ana Hrustanović, Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to the EU, also greeted the guests from Italy and offered her previous experience as ambassador in Rome with the aim of deepening the cooperation with the Italian region.