Nine measures to support local self-governments with the aim of more efficient absorption of external sources of funding

On July 15, 2022, in the Science and Technology Park in Novi Sad, the document “Overview of the situation and support measures for local self-government units in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina with the aim of more efficient absorption of funds through external sources of financing” was presented, which was prepared by the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina for the needs of the Provincial Government.

The document was created as a result of the process of analyzing the state and potential of local self-government units and enabled a better insight and understanding of the local, a more systematic approach to their needs, as well as a unified definition of the challenges faced by the majority. It also gave an overview of their potential and categorized priorities, trying to find a way to finance them in parallel. Bearing that in mind, measures were proposed at the individual, local level, as well as measures at the strategic, provincial level. The nine measures of support, which the document foresees, will result in strengthening the knowledge and capacity of employees in local self-governments in the field of project management, strategic planning and the creation of adequate project proposals, which in the future will find sources in different frameworks – non-reimbursable or credit lines, i.e. lines of technical support. Directing the measures and their integration is also necessary at the regional level, which implies the active participation of all relevant institutions and actors with a series of activities directed both within the region and towards external partners.

The event was opened by Aleksandar Simurdić, director of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina, who welcomed all present and pointed out two key frameworks. The first, beginning of the new multiannual financial framework of the European Union for the period 2021-2027 and second, the development of planning documents of AP Vojvodina and local self-government units. He also pointed out that the created document will serve for a clearer definition of development policies at the regional level through the sustainable use and improvement of existing local potentials, bearing in mind the availability of national, provincial and international funding sources.

A document based on an overview of the state and measures of support to local self-government units in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina with the aim of more efficient absorption of funds through external sources of financing was presented by Mina Radmilović Pjevac from the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina, who pointed out the importance of planning and system coordination of priorities and needs the local self-government unit on the one hand, with the priorities of external funding sources on the other.

After the presentation, the President of the Provincial Government, Igor Mirović, addressed the audience. “The request of the Provincial Government was to determine the weak points, to take adequate measures and to help all those who can and want to apply for European funds, so that they are greater than they were in the past period,” Mirović pointed out and stated that the goal is that we can all together show what concrete projects and results these are and what benefits the citizens will have from the funds we receive from the European Union.

The document was presented to the President of the Provincial Government Igor Mirović, members of the Provincial Government, presidents of municipalities and mayors of local self-government units from AP Vojvodina, provincial institutions, regional development agencies, representatives of the academic community and other relevant subjects. The event was also attended by representatives of the diplomatic corps, international financial institutions and international organizations.