Round table “Importance of concordance between the public and civil sector in streamlining the policies in the field of culture”

The round table “Importance of concordance between the public and civil sector in streamlining the policies in the field of culture” was held at the Assembly of AP Vojvodina on 22 December 2016, within the framework of activities of the Antenna of Creative Europe Culture Desk Serbia planned for 2016.

The aim of the discussion was to exchange experience among the organizations of public and civil sectors, indicate the importance of multi-sectoral partnerships and finding mechanism for a coherent and unified streamlining in the field of culture.

The moderator at the round table was Ivana Volić, docent at the Faculty of Sport and Tourism, whereas the opening remarks were given by Milorad Crnanjin, Provincial Secretariat for Culture, Public Information and Relations with Religious Communities, Vuk Radulović, Foundation managing the project Novi Sad 2021 (Novi Sad Capital of Culture), Miroslav Keveždi, officer in charge for cooperation with NGOs at the Vojvodina Institute for Culture, and on behalf of the civil sector, Natali Beljanski, „Street Musicians Festival“ and Milan Vracar, „Kulturanova“.

After the opening remarks, there was a vivid discussion, in which the other participants reported about the real problems and experience with not solving long-standing problems that NGOs faced. Moreover, the participants put emphasis on the policy of calls, by means of which, given there was a lack of relevant strategy in culture, the development of priorities and measured defined by calls could be directed. On behalf of the Antenna of Creative Europe Culture Desk Serbia, Mina Radmilović Pjevac underlined that the idea of the Antenna was to promote the Creative Europe, so as to maximize the use of allocated funds.

The conclusion was that it was necessary to organize meetings and discussions more frequently, when the members of the civil and public sectors need to find a common interest and ways to submit joint applications for the available EU funds.