Certificates awarded to participants of the Specialised Programme “Management of Regional Development through EU Funds“

The certificates for the second generation of participants having successfully completed the Specialised Programme “Management of Regional Development through EU funds” were awarded at the ceremony held on 29 November 2016 at the Rectorate of the University of Novi Sad.

The Specialised Programme was implemented by the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina in cooperation with the University of Novi Sad and the Provincial Government, and 34 trainees from provincial institutions and secretariats, local governments and civil society organizations in the territory of AP Vojvodina have successfully completed the Programme. The Programme included a total of 195 teaching hours organized through the following 6 working modules: EU law and policies; Regional development policies and the European Union; Project cycle management and project developemnt; Basic guidelines and principles of the European Union programmes; The European Union programmes; Project evaluation and implementation. The Programme started on 8 April and ended on 29 July 2016.

Congratulating the participants of the Programme on investing their effort and time, Nebojša Vojnović, Undersecretary of the Provincial Secretariat for Regional Development, International Cooperation and Local Self-Government, emphasised that the Provincial Government and the competent Secretariat support the implementation of the Programme, as well as every form of education and training given that experience has shown that there is a lack of trained personnel in this area. “You are the generation of people who should get  Serbia closer to modern trends, and you have to seek and find answers to questions related to project cycle management, such as capacity building, networking and development programmes of the European Union,” said Undersecretary Vojnović. The Director of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina, Vidosava Enderić said that 34 students who  successfully completed the Specialist Programme are well trained to apply their knowledge and increase the capacities for the absorption of EU funds in their communities.

The Programme participants were welcomed by Prof. Sanja Stojanović, PhD, Vice-rector for International Affairs, as well as the Programme Coordinator, Prof. Saša Bošnjak, PhD.

Through classes and mentorship in the Specialist Programme the participants were provided with the opportunity to get acquainted with the policies of the European Union and successfully acquire relevant knowledge and skills that will enable them to participate actively in the EU integration, and in particular in the development and implementation of European projects aimed at the regional development of AP Vojvodina.