Launch of the 2016 RegioStars Awards

The RegioStars Awards 2016 was launched by the European Commission’s Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy on 6th February 2016.

The objective of the RegioStars Awards is to identify good practices in regional development and to highlight original and innovative projects which could be attractive and inspiring to other regions and project managers.

This year’s RegioStars award ceremony will take place on Tuesday, 11th October, during the 2016 European Week of Regions and Cities.

Eligible projects or support schemes have been cofinanced by the European Regional Development Fund, the Cohesion Fund, the European Social Fund, the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance, or for Category 5, by Technical Assistance.

There are five RegioStars Award categories for 2016:

1.         Smart Growth: Emerging opportunities in the global economy

2.         Sustainable Growth: Circular Economy

3.         Inclusive Growth: Integrated living – building inclusive and non-segregated communities

4.         CityStar: Innovative solutions for sustainable urban development

5.         Effective management: Making a difference by managing differently

Award criteria

•           Innovative character of the project,

•           Impact (or expected impact) of the project in terms of its initial objectives,

•           Expected financial sustainability of the project,

•           Possibility to extrapolate good practices of the project to other regions. Project’s results in enhancing local, regional and interregional partnerships.

One main prize is awarded per category. It consists of a RegioStars trophy and a certificate presented by European Commissioner for Regional Policy, Corina Creţu, and the President of the RegioStars jury on the day of the Award Ceremony in Brussels. For each winner a shortvideo is produced, which will be published online, followed by a promotional campaign.

The deadline for application is April 15th of 2016.

For more information and how to apply: