A training in EU project development at the Faculty of Technical Sciences

At the request of the Chair of Metrology, Quality, Equipment, Tools and Ecological-Engineering Aspects of the Faculty of Technical Sciences of the University of Novi Sad, a three-day training course was held for the teaching staff on project development in the field of higher education that could be obtain EU funding.

Through theory and practice, the participants were able to familiarise themselves about the basics of project development according to EU procedures and requirements. The first day of the training, the presentation involved the opportunities open to higher education institutions from Serbia by presenting relevant individual cross-border cooperation programmes (Interreg Hungary-Serbia IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme and Interreg Croatia-Serbia IPA CBC Programme), as well as the EU programs of interest to the field of higher education, such as Erasmus+ and Horizon 2020, i.e. the EU program with the biggest budget aimed at research and science. The practical part of the training focused on developing the participants’ attitudes and skills, so that they could draft project proposals on their own, consider potential partner organizations and create the project structure by preparing the logical framework and project budget, taking into account the restrictions posed by EU regulations.

During the training, the presentation involved examples of best practice, as well as former projects of the University of Novi Sad that were funded in the previous seven-year financial perspective of the European Union for the 2007-2013 period. The aim of the training was to continue the success in attracting EU funds for science and research at the University of Novi Sad in the new EU financial period from 2014 to 2020.