Representatives of the provincial administration taking a training course on EU project development

In cooperation with the Department of Human Resources Management of the Provincila Government, the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina held a training course “EU Funds – from idea to realisation“ for the employees of the provincial administration at the Assembly of AP Vojvodina from 20th May to 22nd May.

The goal of the training was to build the capacity of the provincial administration for independent preparation and implementation of EU funded projects, with the focus on the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) and the Cross-border Cooperation (CBC) programmes available to institutions from Vojvodina. During the course of three days, 24 representatives from 11 provincial bodies in total developed their skills and attitude necessary for taking over an active role in the preparation of EU projects of strategic importance for the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. During the training, project ideas on the following topics were developed: prevention of domestic violence, affirmation of mutual cultural heritage in Banat, revitalisation of embankments as a system of flood protection and improvement of energy efficiency at the local level.

Working in project teams and involving theory and practice, project objectives, results and activities were formulated and it was followed by the analysis of stakeholders and problems in the indicated fields. The draft projects were given a framework by filling in the logical matrix, whereas the last day of the training, the presentation involved EU project budgeting and the application form mainly used when submitting project proposals. The attendees obtained information about the novelties brought by the new EU financial perspective 2014-2020 and new EU programmes, such as Horizon 2020, Creative Europe, Erasmus+ and Europe for Citizens. In addition, the ongoing calls under the Croatia – Serbia IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme and Serbia – Bosnia and Herzegovina IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme were presented, along with the CBC Programmes with Hungary and Romania under which new calls were to be expected in the following period.

In order for a larger number of provincial employees to be familiar with the EU funding opportunities and programmes, the next training session aimed at the provincial administration was planned for October.