Presence of AP Vojvodina at the European Summit of Regions and Cities

6th European Summit of Regions and Cities, organised by the Committee of the Regions, was a discussion involving more than 800 participants, representatives of regions and cities, not only of the Euro

6th European Summit of Regions and Cities, organised by the Committee of the Regions, was a discussion involving more than 800 participants, representatives of regions and cities, not only of the European Community, but also of countries aspiring to full EU membership. The focus was on the future of EU regions in the new 2014-2020 programming period, perspectives and growth of employment, creation of new jobs, as well as the role of regions and cities in EU integration and regional cooperation.

At the Summit, the leaders of regions and cities, as well as stakeholders at the EU level agreed on five priorities to be met by 2020 at all levels – global, state, regional and local: 1. Employment – 75% of 20-64 year-olds to be employed, 2. R&D / innovation – 3% of EU’s GDP, public and private combined, to be invested in R&D/innovation, 3. Climate change /energy – greenhouse gas emissions 20% lower than 1990, 20% of energy from renewables and 20% increase in energy efficiency, 4. Education – 40% of 30-34 year-olds completing tertiary education, 5. Reducing poverty and social exclusion – lifting at least 20 million people out of risk of poverty and social exclusion. At 6th European Summit of Regions and Cities, the representatives of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina had bilateral meetings with representatives of regions of Austria, Germany, France, Slovenia and Greece. Moreover, discussions were held with the representatives of the Committee of Regions and representatives of one of the greatest EU support programmes, INTERREG IVC, with whom the option for provincial institutions to take part in future calls under the Programme, which budget for the following period amounted to ca. EUR 359 million, was considered. The AP of Vojvodina had positive experience under the INTERREG programme in the previous programming period. In the years to come, i.e. 2014-2020 budget period new options for the development of joint projects with institutions of different EU regions will open. The meetings, such as the Summit of Regions and Cities, not only allow us to present our economic, cultural and administrative potentials at places where decisions are made, but also to create a number of opportunities for our region and country.