Protocol on Cooperation signed between the Provincial Secretariat for Education, Administration and National Communities and European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina

The Protocol on Cooperation between the Provincial Secretariat for Education, Administration and National Communities and European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina has been signed today within the Interna

The Protocol on Cooperation between the Provincial Secretariat for Education, Administration and National Communities and European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina has been signed today within the International Fair of Education “Putokazi“. The Protocol on Cooperation was signed by Andor Deli, LL.M, Vice-President of the Government of AP Vojvodina and Andrija Aleksić, Head of Department for European Funds of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina.

The Vice-President of the Government of AP Vojvodina and Provincial Secretary for Education, Administration and National Communities, Andor Deli, LL.M expressed his satisfaction because the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina had recognised the importance of education at the institutions being under the authority of the Secretariat. The Secretariat would leave the initiative for development of significant European projects to the Fund and Andor Deli, LL.M said that he hoped to see exceptional results in their realization. It was important to involve education along with educational institutions modelled on European experience in the EU integration process, and the assistance of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina was of great value in that effort.

Andrija Aleksić, Head of Department for European Funds of the European Affairs Fund informed the attendees about the importance of signing the Protocol and the cooperation with the Provincial Secretariat for Education, Administration and National Communities. He also presented the opportunities for Vojvodina in the following budget period 2014-2020 and in the light of the Protocol he pointed out its advantages. What was important was that it would be possible to provide training courses funded by EU funds at the institutions being under the authority of the Secretariat, moreover preparation of joint projects under EU programmes and IPA, as well as promotion of educational institutions in Brussels. Therefore, the educational institutions should be encouraged to take active part in the work and together with lead beneficiaries start cooperating actively in the framework of the given topics.