Training in EU project development at the Faculty of Management

A three-day training course under the title “Prospects of Financing through EU Funds“, organised jointly by the European Affairs Fund-AP Vojvodina and Faculty for Management in Sremski Karlovci, has b

A three-day training course under the title “Prospects of Financing through EU Funds“, organised jointly by the European Affairs Fund-AP Vojvodina and Faculty for Management in Sremski Karlovci, has been held. The attendees were comprised of the faculty teaching staff and the course focused on presenting the EU programmes available for educational institutions in Serbia, such as “Erasmus +” and “Horizon 2020” that would be topical in the following seven-year period from 2014 to 2020. Moreover, the participants obtained detailed information on the new structure of the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance-IPA 2 in the framework of which an annual fund of EUR 260 million would be allocated for projects in Serbia. The theoretical part of the training was followed by tasks and group work in practice, when the attendees could develop project ideas in the field of, for instance, environmental protection, education and culture, entrepreneurship and SME development.

The attendees were also informed about the tools used for the development of project ideas, like the analysis of problems and objects by means of the problem tree and objective tree, logical framework, along with the necessary steps and procedures laid down by the European Union when allocating the grants. The last day of the training was dedicated to the provision of knowledge about the budgeting of EU projects and filling in of the application forms, while the evaluation of submitted project proposals was also presented.