Presentation of the publication “To European funds by means of the standard” in Novi Kneževac

Within the activity of preparing and building the municipal capacities for the new phase of regional development and improvement of conditions for the absorption of IPA funds in the following period of accession, the representatives of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina visited Novi Kneževac Municipality and presented the publication “To European funds by means of the standard” yesterday. The goal of the visit was to inform the participants about the European integration process, regional and development policies of the European Union, as well as of the different options for funding and supporting the development of local authorities.

The representatives of public institutions, municipal administration, Centre for Social Work, elementary and secondary schools in Novi Kneževac reported about their experience and asked questions. In order to prepare local administrations and other institutions in the most efficient way for defining their priorities for the following EU budget period, the representatives of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina will continue to promote the publication “To European funds by means of the standard” and coordinate activities in the field.