A seminar on European funds in Žitište

A seminar under the title “Vojvodina’s chance of accessing EU funds” has been held in Žitište, which has been organised by the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina. The seminar was attended by the representatives of local self-government, citizens’ associations and NGOs from the municipality of Žitište. The Fund’s representative informed the attendees on the EU funding regulations preparing them for the new EU programming period 2014-2020.

It was stated that it was important that municipalities and local communities cooperated with the Fund in order to define the priorities and create development strategies similar to European ones. The participants were also informed about the options that the Vojvodina European Office in Brussels offered, as well as about the first issue of “Vojvodina WORLD” newsletter. The discussion touched upon the challenges the municipality faced when developing projects, as well as their lack of capacities to fulfil the requirements of the European Union qualitatively, thus it was agreed that the Fund would provide training at the beginning of 2013.