Seminar on EU funds at the Assembly of autonomous Province of Vojvodina

At the invitation of the Provincial Secretariat for Health Care, Social Policy and Demography, a four-day seminar has been held aimed at the employees of the Secretariat, health care institutions, such as the Institute for Lung Disease, Clinical Center, spas and Faculty of Medicine. After the completion of the training, the attendees in the seminar were awarded certificates by the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina. During the four-day course, the representative of the Fund presented to the attendees the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA), cross-border cooperation programmes and other programmes of the Community that are available to institutions of AP Vojvodina.

Moreover the participants could, by means of theoretic approach and application in practice, start developing project proposal using the tools of logical framework approach. The participants were presented the basic principles of developing the budget of EU funded projects, application forms, additional documentation, as well as evaluation and selection of project proposals. During the training, the attendees could consult additionally the team of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina specialised in projects. The main goal of the training was to provide participants with knowledge and skills necessary for taking an active role in the use of EU pre-accession funds to be able to develop project proposals on their own.