Presentation of European funds in Kikinda

In the framework of preparation and capacity building of our province, the representatives of the European Affairs Fund-AP Vojvodina have visited the municipality of Kikinda. During the presentation, which was aimed at the experience gained in the previous period, the present situation related to the use of funds in our province, as well as what was ahead of us in the new programming period 2014-2020, it was indicated that one of the key things was the necessary preparation of documents, so that local self-governments could use the opportunities lying ahead of us with reference to the available funds in the area of infrastructure, competitiveness, regional development, environmental protection and rural development.

In order to prepare local self-governments and other organisation in the most efficient manner possible, the representatives of the European Affairs Fund-AP Vojvodina will continue with the coordination of activities on the field, analysis of needs in relation to the requirements of the European Union and financial instrument regulations, harmonisation of action plans, strategies and all necessary measures, thus the capacities of the whole province would be raised to a higher level.