Training in development of European projects at Association of Autonomous Trade Unions of Vojvodina completed

Upon completion of training “Prospects of Financing through EU Funds” aimed at employees of Association of Autonomous Trade Unions of Vojvodina (SSSV), the successful trainees have been awarded certificates by the European Affairs Fund-AP Vojvodina.

During a five-day course held by the representatives of the Fund, the attendees could obtain knowledge, theoretically and in interactive workshops, about the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA), cross-border cooperation programmes, logical matrix as an instrument within the logical framework, basic principles of budget development of EU funded projects, application forms, accompanying relevant documents, as well as process of selection and evaluation of project proposals. During the training the attendees could additionally consult the expert team for projects of the European Affairs Fund-AP Vojvodina. The main goal of the training was to enable participants to develop project proposals on their own and equip them with knowledge and skills necessary for taking over an active role in the use of EU pre-accession funds.