European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina on a meeting on canal networks in Norway

The last but one meeting within the European project “Waterways Forward“ was held in Porsgrunn, Norway and a representative of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina, Jovana Kanazir, attended the meeting where the project partners presented their on-going work and its effects. This time a visit to the Telemark canal, its locks and sluices was organized, so that partners could obtain information about the way they work and function.

“Waterways Forward” is a project funded by the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund. The objective of the project is to improve the management of regional inland waterways, as well as regions that rely on them through the promotion of integrated, sustainable and participatory approach, but taking into account their multipurpose role. The project officially ends on 31st December 2012. It lasts 36 months and the total value of the project is 2.8 million euros.

“The European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina and Public Water Management Company ‘Vode Vojvodine’ are participating in the aforementioned project on behalf of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. The special significance of this and future projects in this area stems from Vojvodina’s priorities regarding restoration and modernization of the canal network, which is certainly an important resource for agriculture, as well as for tourism and local communities along the canal network”, said Jovana Kanazir at the event in Norway.