The first part of the training session in EU project development has been held at the public transportation company “Novi Sad”

The representatives of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina has held the first part of the four-day training session under the title “Prospects of Financing through EU Funds”, which is aimed at employees of the public transportation company “Novi Sad”. Within interactive workshops, the attendees were informed about the topic of utilising available EU funds. The training gave an overview of the overall process of developing and writing projects funded under EU programmes, paying special attention to cross-border cooperation programmes available to institutions on the territory of AP Vojvodina. Furthermore, the Fund’s representatives informed the attendees about the cross-border cooperation programmes under the second component of the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) and methodology of project cycle management, as well as project approach to problems by means of objective tree and problem tree, along with the logical framework (basic principles, objectives, assumptions, results and risks).

The second part of the training session will be held on 16-17 August 2012, when the workshops will focus on EU project budgeting, guidelines for the application of project proposals, as well as procedures and documentation necessary for successful application.