Signing of the Agreement on inclusion in the BEFS database – “BASE OF EUROPEAN FUNDING SOURCE”

The European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina, with the support of the Provincial Government, is establishing a comprehensive database of projects financed through external sources in AP Vojvodina, called BEFS – “BASE OF EUROPEAN FUNDING SOURCE”.
The BEFS database was created in order to obtain indicators that will serve the provincial administration in creating future public policies and improving the institutional capacity of AP Vojvodina, for the planned use of external sources of funding, as well as systematic monitoring of both submitted proposals and projects in implementation.

As a challenge during this important process, we recognized the fact that there is no obligation for applicants to submit data for the database to the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina. We found the solution in signing an agreement on inclusion in the BEFS database – “BASE OF EUROPEAN FUNDING SOURCE” with applicants from the territory of AP Vojvodina who use external funding, which would commit to submitting data to the BEFS database.
On that occasion, the Fund organized a group signing of the agreement on April 11, 2022, and used the opportunity to explain in more detail the process of filling in and the dynamics of submitting information.