Seminar on prevention of harassment at work was held

The seminar was held for project partners and representatives of unions from across the province in the context of European project of Independent Trade Unions of Vojvodina, European Affairs Fund-AP Vojvodina and Swedish partner ABF. Project titled „Prevention of Harassment at Work in Business Environment through Social Dialogue“ aims to train the representatives of trade unions in how to recognise harassment at work and what are the steps to prevent mobbing via social dialogue as well as via the context of legal basis.

Representatives of Bačka Palanka municipality, Trade Union of Vojvodina, local self-governments and local branches of Independent Trade Unions of Vojvodina from Vrbas, Senta, Ada, Kanjiža, Sremska Mitrovica, Pančevo, Alibunar, Sombor, Stara Pazova, Bečej, Kikinda, Čoka, Novi Kneževac, Nova Crnja, Kovačica, Inđija, Novi Sad and Bač attended the seminar.