European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina and Matica Srpska signed a Memorandum of Cooperation

At the end of last week, a Partnership Memorandum between the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina and Matica Srpska was signed at Matica Srpska in Novi Sad. The memorandum was signed by Predrag Novikov, director of the Fund, and Prof. Dušan Nikolić, PhD, secretary general of Matica Srpska.

On behalf of the Fund, it was stated that the representation office of AP Vojvodina in Brussels was ready to provide full support for Matica Srpska’s initiatives regarding the promotion of cultural heritage and its priorities related to resource renewal in those areas in joint projects.

Professor Nikolić highlighted the importance of the support the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina provided to Matica Srpska, especially concerning the presentation of historical, cultural, artistic and other matters not only in Brussels, but in other European capitals as well. Moreover, the importance of joint projects between Matica Srpska and the Fund, by means of which applications for European funds would be submitted, was underlined. During the discussion, both sides supported the initiative for organizing an event at the representation office of AP Vojvodina in Brussels in the forthcoming period to promote Matica Srpska and present to European partners our nation’s cultural heritage.