Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance – Cross-border Cooperation Programmes

Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) is an EU instrument aimed at reinforcing cooperation between institutions in border regions of neighbouring countries. CBC Programmes are implemented under the second IPA component. CBC Programmes provide a framework for enhancement of economic integration, capacity building and reinforcement of cultural, social and scientific cooperation between local and regional communities. The overall objective of CBC is strengthening of economic processes in cross-border regions, as well as, achievement of political stability between the countries involved in the programme. One of the programme priorities is establishment of good neighbouring contacts, since the implementation of the programme at local and regional level contributes to the creation of long-lasting cooperation between people on both sides of the border, which forms the basis for further development. The areas financed under these programmes are most often socio-economic development, environmental protection, development of tourism, preservation of cultural heritage, enhancement of agriculture, education, research and development, institutional cooperation, etc. The funds donated are grants, with an obligation of the beneficiary to co-finance its project in the amount of minimum 15% of the project value, and are allocated through public calls for proposals. Participants have to be non-profitable legal entities. The criteria for participation differ from call to call, yet the institutions/organisations that are usually entitled to participate are the following:

• public institutions • local and regional authorities • government agencies • public/public utility companies • non-profitable organisations • institutes • universities and faculties • educational institutions • non-governmental organisations • associations • chambers of commerce • SME development agencies

Currently, the Republic of Serbia is participating in 8 programmes: – CBC Programmes: with Croatia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Montenegro and, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and – transnational programmes: Adriatic Programme and South-East Europe Space (SEES) Programme.

Multi-annual Indicative Planning Document, MIPD 2011-2013, Republic of Serbia
