“Open Doors” for public and public utility companies held at the Office for European Affairs

The Office for European Affairs has continued with its series of presentation on cross-border cooperation programmes, under the title “Open Doors”.

The today’s presentation on the Cross-border Programme with Hungary was aimed at public and public utility companies. The representatives of the following companies were present: JP ”Vodokanal” Bečej (Water and Wastewater Treatment PlantBečej), JP “Toplana” Bečej (Public Company “District Heating” Bečej), JP “Komunalac” Bečej (Public Utility Company Bečej), JKP ”Gradsko zelenilo” (Public Utility Company “City Parks”), Parking servis (Parking Services), JP „Zavod za izgradnju grada” (Public Enterprise for City Construction and Development), Association „Vredne ruke Novog Sada” (“Diligent Hands of Novi Sad”), etc. Namely, the Public Utility Company “City Parks” has an abundance of ideas and cooperation with Hungarian colleagues, therefore, the representatives of the Department for Cross-border Cooperation Programmes of the Office for European Affairs gave guidelines for future steps, and the Public Company “District Heating” Bečej expressed their interest in the transfer of Hungarian achievements in exhaust emission reduction, etc.