The Italian region of Campagna and Vojvodina initiate new projects

The representatives of the Italian region of Campagna, which capital is Naples, have paid a working visit to the Executive Council of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. New programme initiatives were presented at the meeting, which was attended by Predrag Novikov, Director of the Office for European Affairs and Miroslav Vasin, Provincial Secretary for Labour, Employment and Gender Equality. “In previous years, the Province of Vojvodina has realised a considerable number of projects in regional cooperation with a lot of Italian regions. As a result, Italy is one of our greatest trade partners. Still in addition to the main priorities, such as economy, employment and similar, I believe that it is necessary to develop initiatives on social protection, aid to the most vulnerable and new employment opportunities. We want the projects to be funded mostly through European sources. Therefore, it is especially important to establish cooperation between provincial institutions and our Italian colleagues in this area”, said Predrag Novikov.

Furthermore, the meeting reached an agreement on realising the initiative on training for the provincial administration in Naples, which is to be realised in October this year.